- Art by Anna Bean Jewelry,
Created with 925 Sterling Sliver metal clay.
The Maple Leaf pendant is made from an actual Maple leaf which is destroyed in the jewelry making process making each piece completely unique. To make each silver Maple I search for, hand pick and then use the « perfect » Maple leaf. The picture of the Maple leaf pendant is meant to give the viewer an idea of what these pieces look like when finished.
* * I recommend that a Maple pendant (depending on the size of the pendant) be hung on one of my 24”, 30″ or 36″ fully adjustable Game Chain-ger chains ( $40 – $55). The recommended length of chain will be determined by the size of the Maple pendant. My Game Chain-ger chains allows the wearer to adjust the chain’s length so that pendants sit exactly where wanted. The wearer is able to achieve the exact desired look. The chains are available in a number of styles; box, curb and wheat.
The picture is meant to give the viewer an idea of what the pendant look like when finished. No two are exactly alike and the available Maple pendant may not be the one you see in the picture.
If the product is sold out and you are interested in purchasing a similar product, please contact the artist through email at Annabeanjewelry@gmail.com to discuss a commission. Depending on the availability of the piece of nature that is being recreated, commissions typically take a month or longer to complete. The timeline and feasibility need to be discussed with the artist.
Please note that products cannot be shipped and must be picked up from La Fab sur Mill. For further details and specific inquiries please contact the artist directly. Thank you.
Maple Leaf Pendant