Floyd Hutchinson Quintet

La FAB sur Mill 8 Chemin Mill, Chelsea, QC, Canada

FLOYD HUTCHINSON is loved by audiences for his rich, melodic voice, and easygoing charm. His warmth, sensitivity and vocal power allows him to interpret all nuances and subtleties of the songs he sings and his quartet of seasoned musicians completes the unique style of his shows that slide from jazz to blues. His vocal style […]

ES:MO Elizabeth Shepherd & Michael Occhipinti

La FAB sur Mill 8 Chemin Mill, Chelsea, QC, Canada

“Shepherd's voice is as clear as a bell, and especially soothing as she dips low in her range to intone the titular "any other way" at the end of each chorus. Occhipinti takes an expansive solo that makes us pine for the days when many songs included them.” — CBC Music « La voix de […]

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